When planning for an event, many factors come into consideration to bring the whole thing together and ensure it’s a success. From finding a suitable location to promoting the event appropriately, so people turn up, it isn’t a simple one-step process to launch a successful event. A critical aspect to consider when planning an upcoming […]

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Social media is a powerful tool for marketing and promoting upcoming events, conferences and meetings. The trick is to plan well and master the strategies to amplify the message. Have a plan that will help you reach as many people within the shortest time possible. Strategies on Using Social Media for Events Promotion Have an […]

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Planning a conference or meeting for an event can be a very tedious process. Making the list of attendees, ensuring that they get their invites on time, and finishing up the little details that come with putting a conference together can end up being stressful. What makes things even more difficult is trying to get […]

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If you actually have a momentous occasion, such as a conference coming up, your planning session should include decorating the rooms. Even if the event is held at a hotel, you can still add some personal touches to the room with the help of the staff. It can be quite overwhelming when you are trying […]

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When you invite someone for a meeting in any domain, be it for business or as a social call, there will always be an opportunity to network.
No matter

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When attending a conference one can always rely on forming partnerships in that particular event. The story is much the same as in the reason to atten

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If you find yourself in a situation where you need to plan an event and cannot enlist the help of a professional, certain things would be useful to co

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Meeting in Minutes

When one get’s an invitation to a particular meeting it can either invoke a sense of excitement or a sense of misery. The excitement would be witnesse

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Planning a conference is not really an easy feat, from logistics to keynotes, it can be hard to make sure that all bases are covered. In order to try and help make your big task a little bit easier, we have compiled some helpful tips when planning an event or conference: Realistic budgeting; creating a […]

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Reasons for Meetings

The first reason to hold a meeting is to provide information
The second reason to hold a meeting is to create a mechanism for decision making

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