The success of a private or public event does not depend on just what it is about, but rather on how well planned it is. Many people think that the title of an event is the critical factor that affects success and attendance, but nothing could be further from the truth.

You may, for instance, attend a conference about the risks and ways to avoid cancer and come out empty, while at the same time a person who attends a handwashing campaign event, comes out totally satisfied.

So what exactly is the formula, that makes a meeting, event or conference successful?


Whatever type of event you organise, make sure that every speech is brief. Research indicates that in the modern era concentration spans have significantly dipped. People have numerous sources of information and have probably heard something about what you are telling them elsewhere.

If you keep going on and on about a particular topic, the most likely result is that people will zone you out, and leave you talking to thin air. Take time to prepare and summarise your points.

That said, however, brevity does not mean sacrificing content. Whenever you address a group of people, it is essential to ensure that every single word in your content carries value.


Style beats all. You have probably heard the same joke from different people and enjoyed one more than the other, right? That is what delivery is all about. You may be saying something important or valuable, but how you say it matters a lot.

You can never go wrong with humour. Do not be so serious about anything. Whatever message you intend to deliver, aim to put it across with a light touch. The modern world is laden with pressure; people are likely to retain content that brings them relief.


Always appear like an authority in whatever you are talking about. Conference attendees already have the mentality that they are being addressed by experts; exploit that. If you are a trusted general practitioner at, do not let people doubt your authority for one moment.

Always show confidence in your delivery. It makes people believe what you are saying, and are more likely to put your words into action.


Take people on a trip. If you are delivering a speech about one item, use other items to bring people into perspective. People are from different backgrounds and will understand one thing in different ways.

You can never go wrong with examples. Always look for real-life experiences, that different segments of the audience can relate with.

Whatever you do, confidence is critical when addressing whatever type of grouping. It has even saved people, who had no authority about the topic they were discussing. Do not be a cheat though; it is a shortcut to failure.

Author lawrence
Categories Events Aspects
Views 4913