Planning any type of conference is a huge task as there are so many things to take into consideration. In the first instance, you have to plan out exactly what is going to happen at every point of the day. You need to know when people will arrive, what they will be doing, when refreshments and lunch are going to be served, and what time the event is going to be finished. You need to be sure that any separate workshops have their own space and organisers, and that everyone who attends has all the materials that they need.

Decorating the venue

For a conference, decorating the venue is about more than putting up a few signs directing people around the event. Subject-specific posters are a must. These can be designed fairly easily on most office software, but if the subject of the conference is fairly unique then talk to a poster manufacturer or printer about the designs that they can supply. The Posters can show anything you want and are the ideal way to give your conference a more professional look. Consider picking out the key points and messages for your conference and have this made into posters so that attendees will be clear on the whole reason for the event.

You could also consider having the messages from the posters printed into leaflet form, to be given to all attendees as they arrive or leave, or as part of the conference materials.

By putting the details onto the posters and into the learning materials, you are creating talking points for your attendees. Listen as they chat during breaks and at lunchtime and you will soon see just how much they have taken on board.

Conferences can be as large or as small as you want, but as long as you are able to get across your message and have all attendees leave with the information that you needed to impart then that is the most important thing. The amount of work that goes into a conference should not be underestimated, no matter how many people will be attending.

Author lawrence
Views 2138